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Pathfinder Christian Art of Preaching Honor - Keene SDA Church

Have you ever faced a fear when answering a calling over your life? Have you ever let fear stop you from doing what you know that God called you to do? Have you ever been afraid of what people may say or do? Have you ever been afraid of people trying to destroy your plans?

This is special to me. For everyone that knows me knows that I love to Preach the Gospel. This is Keene Rocketeers Pathfinder Club blessing my life with the opportunity to serve in teaching the Preaching Honor. This is the next generation that will go out in the world and share the Gospel. So this is God opening a door for me to teach a preaching honor. I realize more that I don’t have to fear about living out my calling but I must walk in faith. I’m reminded of - 2 Timothy 1:7 - “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” It’s scary to walk in your calling. Fear of thoughts of others and the enemy will use this to make you focus on him and self and not what God calling you to do. I make the decision to walk in God’s peace. To walk in Faith and the peace of Jesus. Faith that Jesus knows that I love to preach His name. I see how Jesus is opening the doors. Jesus died for me and now He is opening the doors for me to preach His name. This is why this is special for me. I get the opportunity to speak about Jesus. I’m forever grateful to God for these moments. The second picture is a pathfinder honor. This is special to get my first honor in Preaching.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (KJV)

This journey that God has been leading me on is to this pathfinder Honor and sharing Jesus because this is exactly who God is calling me to speak to in this moment. This honor teaches the youth how to put a sermon or devotional thought together so they can preach at school, around the campfire, for prayer meeting, in their local church, and with their friends and family. Yesterday we focused on the preaching of Jesus in Matthew 5 and how they same people who heard Jesus preach was baptized by Peter and the disciples in Acts 2. This shows us that Jesus laid the foundation and the disciples finished the work. This is the same for us today. Jesus died on the cross and now we are called to go out and share that into the world. I believe that God is calling us as his messengers today.

What an opportunity to serve in Pathfinder ministry. This is our future preachers. Preaching in their schools, universities and then in their workplaces. It's not easy working with youth because you have to grab their attention and make things simple and practical so they can understand. But I know that even if one was listening and made a decision to preach the Gospel through their lives it would make a difference in this world. This is the greatest opportunity for me to learn and grow. I am grateful for this opportunity because my prayer is to dedicate my life to preaching Jesus and sharing the good news of salvation. Every-time that I preach Jesus I am reminded that He took my place on the cross. Every-time I preach I experience a peace that passes all understanding. That I am sharing the Word of life.

I write this to also inspire you to face your fears and to walk in your calling. I know that as you pray, fast and ask God to lead He will open the doors for you to live out your calling. I pray that the Holy Spirit will encourage you to walk in your calling and the will that God has for your life. What brings you peace? How can you use that to point souls to the kingdom of Heaven? Pray that God will fill your heart and mind with ideas on how to serve Him in your town and circle of influence. I know that Jesus will fill you with His holy Spirit and that He will use you in a mighty way. The light of Jesus will shine through your life.

Mission/ Prayer request: That God will continue to open the doors to share the Gospel to the whole world.

Matthew 24:14 - And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (NKJV)

Revelation 14:6 - The Proclamations of Three Angels 6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—(NKJV)

Call to action for the Gospel - Share this with your local church so we can continue to serve and share the Gospel.

"I love you! But God loves you best!" - Paster Helvis Moody

More Information on the AY Christian Preaching Honor


Chances are your Pathfinder Director, pastor, or group leader is going to ask you to preach at church or a group function sooner or later -- after all, you're seeing how God is calling you to be a leader at your church and in your world. So, learn techniques that empower you to preach BETTER -- so that not only do you feel better about yourself and your presentation, but you also get to experience the joy of reaching people more successfully! Let's preach!

The Challenging Part

The most challenging requirement of this honor is probably this:

Participate (or have participated) in the preaching at your church (or a district church) at least four times in the period of a year.

© 2024 by AdventPreaching 

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